
A Kwame Nkrumah University Research Repository


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Physical Self-Efficacy Level of Selected Nigerian Soccer Players
The study explored the relationship between physical self-efficacy (PSE) and performance in physical activities. A sample of 43 participants, randomly selected from soccer clubs in Nigeria and the general population, was used. Results revealed that soccer players had an average score of 89.96 on the overall PSE scale, which was higher than the Nigerian national average of 83.16, as outlined in the test manual. The analysis found significant differences between soccer players and non-players on the PSE scale. Overall, the study highlighted that physical self-efficacy is a crucial psychological factor for success in soccer.
Knowledge of Non–Christian religions by Grade Seven Learners in Chivuna area of Mazabuka District
(KNU, 2020) KHONJE, Tokisa
This study examined Grade Seven learners in Chivuna, Mazabuka District, to assess their knowledge of non-Christian religions. Using a descriptive research design and qualitative methods, the study involved 74 participants, including 30 pupils and 7 teachers. Data was collected through interviews and focus group discussions and analyzed via thematic analysis. Findings indicated that rural learners struggled to understand non-Christian religions, particularly Indigenous Religion, which was often associated with witchcraft. Hinduism and Islam were also poorly understood. The study recommended enhancing teaching resources, improving Religious Education content, and making it a standalone curriculum subject to promote better religious understanding.
Conversion in grant - aided schools: A case of Mabel Shaw and St. Mary’s Secondary Schools in Luapula Province, Zambia
(KNU, 2020) MULENGA, Shantel
This study aimed to determine whether grant-aided schools in Kawambwa and Mwansabombwe Districts convert learners to their denomination. The sample included 64 respondents: 2 headteachers, 2 chaplains, 10 teachers, and 50 learners. Using purposive and systematic sampling, the study employed qualitative methods, including interviews, questionnaires, and focus group discussions. Thematic analysis was applied to the qualitative data. Findings showed that learners were not influenced by mentorship, teacher, or administrator efforts to change their faith. Students followed the school’s faith due to rules and regulations, but conversions were unlikely due to ideological, doctrinal, and personal reasons.
The role of Civic Education in promoting learner participation in civic activities in selected secondary Schools in Ndola District
(KNU, 2020) MULENGA, George
This study explored how Civic Education influences learner participation in civic activities in secondary schools in Ndola, Zambia. It aimed to understand teachers' and learners' views, assess school managers' perceptions, and propose strategies to enhance engagement. Using qualitative methods, including interviews and focus group discussions, the study involved 21 students, 12 teachers, and 3 headteachers from three schools. Findings indicated that Civic Education increased learner involvement in decision-making and school management. The study recommended integrating service learning and experiential learning into the curriculum and making practical Civic Education activities examinable to enhance meaningful learning.
Is Religious Education in schools beneficial to pupils’ moral development? The case of Caritas and Kalonga Secondary Schools in Kabwe Town
(KNU, 2020) KWALELA, Kwalela
This study explored the role of religious education in pupils’ moral development, focusing on its benefits and relationship with moral growth. Guided by Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, the research used a qualitative design and sampled 30 students from one government and one mission secondary school. Data were collected through interviews and focus group discussions, analyzed thematically. Results showed that religious education is crucial for moral development and addressing modern social issues. The study recommended that religious education be made compulsory, teachers undergo further training, and regular curriculum reviews be conducted to adapt to modern challenges like technology and media.